Friday, January 2, 2009

A Look Both Back and Forward

As with most years it had it's good and bad points. The friend outlook is good. I got to spend a lot of time with my friends. We got to meet new people through a great book club nothing better than smart people! My knitting friends have been great. My best friend got pregnant. Got to visit Door County, Wisconsin for the first time. Great weather in the summer. The Olympics! Obama won!
The bad points. First, RIP Mackenzie Hawkins. I will always treasure all of your cuddles and sweet smiles. Big layoffs at work fortunately we weren't laid off. Still struggling with my body not being where I want it. I stupidly spent money on not one, but two time shares. I will always be mad at myself for that. Didn't get to buy a new car or new computer because of the debt from the time shares.

I want to focus more on my body and run a half or whole marathon in Sept.
I want to read and knit more with what I have instead of always buying new things
I want to reduce debt and save for things like trips
I want to have the whole family be healthier
I want to pay more attention to what is going on in the world
I want to improve my relationships with people
I want to practice my French, Spanish, and Russian more
I want to put the most time into what matters the most to me

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