Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Where's my flippin' gene?

I tried again to make bread with the worst results yet. I don't even know if I did the yeast right because I did something else much worse. I put the bowl the bread was rising on the stove because I remembered it needed to be in a warm place. My stove has this warm setting in the middle so I turn it on and left the bread there. Half of my bread is now cooked and the other half of the bowl is still dough. And by cooked I mean black and I burned myself. Then I ruined the rest of dinner. Added too much angel hair and cooked it too long. Craptacular!

So the Spence gals called me today. They had read my blog and thought I could use some fun. Would I like to go to Las Vegas with them for a long weekend? Hmm, yeah, a 2 yr. old in Vegas oh wait I think I hear CPS knocking at my door. They wanted me to just drop him off at someone's house for 4 days. haha Girls I love you, but seriously! But they are going to have some cocktails for me. ;)

So I didn't do one selfish or enjoyable thing all day. I cleaned, cooked, dusted, laundry, etc. Do I feel good about all I accomplished? No because I failed at cooking! But I have my Modest Mouse to get me through my failure and my burnt finger. I am going to take my MM on the road. Pound the pavement. It gets me through a lot these days. Every worry or pissed off feeling I imagine my foot slamming it out of my mind.

I can't wait for Spring this gal needs life blossoming around her. I need the flowers growing the trees getting leaves and the peaches coming into view. I need an adventure maybe I will run to California my favorite place.

1 comment:

rockharder81 said...

Oh sweetie. How terrible. I promise to have a bread making session with you if you can't work it out on your own. :(